

IT Training on JAVA | Core java Introduction


Java technology is both platform and programming language.

· Java is Object Oriented Programming language.

· Java was developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems lab.

· Initially called Oak, in honour of the tree outside Gosling's window, its name was changed to Java because there was already a language called Oak.

· Java word doesn't have specific meaning,it refers hot COFFEE.

· Coffee Cup is the icon of Java.

· Motivation behind developing Java

· Java platform was initially developed to address the problems of building software for networked consumer electronic devices e.g.Washing machine,Refrigerator.

· To meet that requirement compiled code has to be transported across networks and they should operate on any OS(Operating System).

· Before Java, the software for electronic devices was developed by C,C++ and these languages are platform dependent.

· So there was a requirement for platform-independentlanguage,that could be used to create software which can be used in any electroninc devices.

· At the same time World Wide Web was emerging in the market, So many CPUs of different environment was to be connected.

· So there was need for a platform independent & portable language.

· So that time only one solution was available JAVA formerly known as Oak.

· Features of Java

· Simple

· Object Oriented

· Multithreaded

· Portable

· Robust

· Secure

· Distributed

· Why to use Java

· Java is simple, easy to design , easy to write, and therefore easy to compile and debug.

· Java is object-oriented, that is used to build modular programs and reusable code in other application.

· Java is platform-independent and flexible in nature.

· Most significant feature of Java is to run a program easily from one computer system to another.

· Java works on distributed environment.

· Java is designed to work on distributed computing , any network programs in Java is same as sending and receiving data to and from a file. Java is secure.

· Java is secure.

· Java language, compiler, interpreter and runtime environment are secure.

· Java is robust.

· Java emphasis on checking for possible errors, as Java compilers are able to detect many error in program during the execution of respective program.

· Java supports multithreading.Multithread is the path of execution for a program to perform several tasks simultaneously within a program.

· Java come with the concept of Multithreaded Program.

· Why Java is not fully object oriented?

· It doesn't support Multiple inheritance.

· It allows use of primitive data types which are not an objects.

· It allows static methods to call without creating the instance.

· Few terminologies related to Java Language

· Source Code: Programme written by Developer according to the Java language syntax.

· Compiled Code:Compiler generated code that converted from source code.

· Compiler: It is programme that converts source code into machine language at once e.g JavaC

· Interpreter:It is programme that converts source code into machine language line by line e.g JIT(Just-in-Time)

· Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT):A collection of graphical user interface (GUI) components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components.

· API:Application Programming Interface. The specification of how a programmer writing an application accesses the behaviour and state of classes and objects.

· Applet:A program written in the Java(TM) programming language to run within a web browser compatible with the Java platform, such as HotJava(TM) or Netscape Navigator(TM).

· ASCII:American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard assignment of 7-bit numeric codes to characters.

· Bean:A reusable software component. Beans can be combined to create an application.

· Casting:conversion from one data type to another.

· JDK:Java Development Kit

· JAR Files (.jar):Java ARchive. A file format used for aggregating many files into one.

· Java Application Environment (JAE):The source code release of the Java Development Kit (JDK(TM)) software.

· JRE:Java(TM) runtime environment.

· JVM:Java Virtual Machine.